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Get More Out of Your Computer

Jeff Smelley - There are some important computing jobs that get put off, or just do not get done, because they take a long time to run or slow your computer to a crawl. You no longer have to put off such tasks because you don’t have time during the work day. Schedule these jobs to be run automatically when you aren’t there.

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The Top Of The CSI Pyramid

Mauricio Espinosa - The Hispanic market is a significant driving force behind the CSI Pyramid. This market wants to be loyal. To be loyal is to be faithful to something or someone, whether it is to the government, a business, a spouse, a leader, etc.

Regaining The Lost Art Of Financing

Richard Costello - Simply change to a pricing model that numerous other industries – including mine – have used successfully for many years. They adopted a variable wholesale rate structure that would increase ...

The Big Three Questions of Marketing

Marla Belson - Advertising and marketing are my favorite aspects of special finance. Most of us who have been working in this field for a while have developed a certain passion for specific kinds of marketing. My passion lies with direct mail and Internet leads.

Video Search Engine Optimism

Sean Bradley - It goes without saying that training is essential for your call center and all employees who handle your inbound phone calls. While some dealerships have chosen to use third-party companies for this function, I am not a big fan of outsourcing your call center for several reasons:

The Three Factors That Affect Consumers' Purchase Decisions

Tom Herald - Why do people decide to buy? Some consumers use an intense system of thorough investigation before they decide to purchase, while others are basic impulse shoppers.

Four Critical Steps to Investing in Marketing and Advertising

Jack Lintol - ACE has helped dealers across the country get into the subprime business or improve their existing subprime business.

When Can You Accept Over-Spending?

Greg Goebel - So, I will say it. There are times when I believe it is OK to overspend your ad budget.

Finely Honed System Success at World Hyundai

It’s tough to be a player in the auto retail business, especially when your dealership is flanked by large auto malls nearby and is 30 miles from Chicago. Then try putting yourself last in the lineup at Matteson Auto Mall of Illinois, the largest campus-style auto mall in the United States, with very little foot traffic...

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Creating E-mail Policies At Work

Mark Benjamin - Many small-business owners are not fully aware of their legal rights when it comes to monitoring their employees’ e-mails and fear that the company may be breaching privacy laws by reading their staff’s e-mail correspondence.

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