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What's Your Game Plan?

Jim Jensen - Our lives are complicated by things that concern us, but sometimes those are things that we have very little or no control over, such as geopolitical events or business closings ...

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Overlooked Profit Potential

Kevin Day - When was the last time you sent your people to a training course or had a professional trainer come to your store? I would recommend an ongoing training program in place that utilizes the menu process. In today’s society our finance department must not only make money, but must also

Welcome To The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Privacy Act

Keith Whann - “financial products and services” includes the financial institution’s evaluation of information collected in connection ...

Polk Debate Settled

Brian Hudson - What the situation cried out for was for guidance from someone or some body that actually knew something about TILA and Reg. Z...

Advertising & Marketing: Is It Rocket Science?

Dan Henderson - There is a difference between advertising and marketing. Advertising is used to create awareness where marketing is the selling of goods and products. In the car business we should always be marketing.

The "Consumer Wins" Argument For Starter Interrupt Devices

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - dealers and finance companies operating in the sub prime arena believe that the use of starter interrupt devices is a good thing...

"He Said, She Said," Or Why We Build Courthouses

Thomas B. Hudson, Esq. - The motion is usually based on the dealer’s claim that the car buyer has failed to state sufficient facts to make out a viable claim...

What Exactly Is DMS?

Jeff Smelley - DMS stands for Dealer Management System ... a system yielding quantifiable, reliable and timely information to the dealer

Find Lost Profits: Mind Your Dealership's Operation

Jeff Smelley - Inefficient daily operations in a dealership cost money, REAL MONEY, and unlike a missed sales opportunity, poor dealership operations will continue to cost money until fixed.

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Online Programs Make Listing Auction Vehicles A Smooth And Easy Ride

Rob Chesney - eBay Motors’ Preferred Solution Provider program ensures that these tools function correctly with eBay’s software and policies...

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